Friday, 16 December 2016

Infinite Earths - Into The Void


1. Act 1: Into The Void
2. Act 2: Amalgam Of Madness
3. Act 3: Chaotic Good
4. Act 4: The Whirling Door
5. Act 5: Grave New World

The glaring and trippy artwork that adorns (Floridian progressive metal band) Infinite Earth's latest EP/Album "Into The Void" is like looking at a bizarre self-portrait. It's unsettling but in a psychedelic sort of way. Anyway, this in the second release from the band and it was self-issued in early December. Prior to this Infinite Earths released their debut EP "Spiral From Spacetime" in February 2014. They share members with fellow US extreme metal band Mindscar and formed in 2012. 

Infinite Earths walk the line between atypical operatic progressive metal and more extreme black metal on opener Act 1: Into The Void. The clean vocals that open the album merely throw you off the scent though, as they are replaced by harsh roars and heavier instrumentation. The chopping and changing of time-signature and the technical instrumentation shows off the skills of all involved in Infinite Earths during Act 2: Amalgam Of Madness, getting more infectious as it goes. The quieter passages of acoustic guitar lead to melodic lead-work and clean singing, which isn’t the strongest but still sounds good. Rob Weisenbarger’s drumming is one of the standout elements on “Into The Void”, especially during Act 3: Chaotic Good. it keeps the song together, which at times doesn’t quite know what it wants to be. I’m not gonna be overly critical because it takes a lot of skill to play music like this (and I have very little of my own), but there is the occasion when this record seems a bit disjointed. The sudden pause before Act 4: The Whirling Door is an example of that; however, the song itself is filled with clever vocal harmonies and jazz. Crunching guitars underpin Act 5: Grave New World. Extremity and virtuosity are familiar bedfellows in metal and they both certainly come together here. At nearly ten-minutes in length it’s not a quick-fix but it is rewarding, showing what Infinite Earths are capable of. “Into The Void” is definitely worth investing the time in and it’s very well played. It does feel as though Infinite Earths are still finding their perfect sound, but that’s not far away on this evidence. 

You can stream and download "Into The Void" via bandcamp below:-

Infinite Earths Facebook -

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