Saturday, 4 February 2012

News - Pure Noise Records Tour

The first Pure Noise Records tour begins on the 24th of February. See all dates on the flyer above.

Story So Far will be headlining the first two weeks of the tour from the 24/02 to the 08/3. Handguns will then be headlining the next week from the 13/03 to the 18/03. Rounding the rest of the tour out will be I call Fives, who will headline the last week from the 20/03 to the 24/03. Joining them on the tour will be Daybreaker, who will be supporting from the 09/03 to the 18/03. As well as that, The American Scene and Forever Came Calling will be providing support on all dates.

This is going to be one mighty pop-punk tour from one of the USA's newest pop-punk labels.

Find out more about Pure Noise by going to and check out the bands at the following links:-

Story So Far -
Handguns -
I Call Fives -
Daybreaker -
The American Scene -
Forever Came Falling -   

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