Saturday, 24 September 2011

Edinburgh Scene - As Autumn Falls

This is the second installment of my look into the Edinburgh heavy metal scene, and another feature that been sitting in my inbox for a while. Anyway, As Autumn Falls describe themselves as a post-hardcore band. They are made up of Ali on vocals, Jamie and Sean on guitars, Beattie on bass and Jamie on drums.

I caught up with the band a while ago to ask them some questions. I've put the answers below.

What prompted you to start As Autumn Falls?

As Autumn Falls started as your usual high school band, the normal couple of mates starting a band kind of thing. Since then we have been through 1 name change and 2 line up changes until last year we decided on the name As Autumn Falls and the current line up has now settled down and some great things are on there way.

What are your influence, both musically or otherwise?

We all have many different influences throughout the band from Hit The Lights to Architects. On a whole we are mostly influenced by Underoath, The Devil Wears Prada, even ADTR's older stuff.

What is the Edinburgh scene like now and has it changed much from when you started out?

We only recently broke into the Edinburgh scene when our line up changed around a year ago. Even in the space of a year there seems to be a lot of younger bands coming through to help the scene grow. I would say that the Edinburgh scene has started to flourish and will continue to grow into something great one day.

What do think about the state of metal in general at the moment?

There is a great underground hardcore type of scene at the moment with plenty of great bands appearing all the time.

What have you got planned for the coming months?

We have got some big things planned in the coming months, we are working on booking many more tours throughout the UK as well as heading down to Kent to re-record our EP and tour/promote it more so throughout the UK.

Do you think that social networking sites like Facebook have helped you to get noticed by new fans?

Facebook and other social networking sites have helped us out greatly! Facebook has helped us even book tours in the past and we wouldn't be able to survive without. We recently uploaded our EP for free to bandcamp which has had 100s of downloads so far. By letting people download our EP for free we are reaching listeners that probably would have never heard of us before if it wasn't for bandcamp. The EP has even found its way onto many torrent sites, mediafire, and strangely lots of Russian download forums, even some American ones without us even knowing about most of them until recently!

What has been the highlight for you so far as a band?

There has been many great highlights so far, from our first UK tour to supporting many great bands like, Bury Tomorrow, The Casino Brawl to Yashin and Young Guns. It would be hard to pinpoint an exact highlight as there has been so many and hopefully there is many to come!

Can you recommend bands from your local scene, that people should check out?

Go check out The Party Program, Behind Hollow Walls, Here Lies A Warning, Dead At The Scene, there are many more. Sorry if we have forgotten anyone! 

You can listen to As Autumn Falls' EP - Seeing is Believing on their bandcamp page at

You can also listen to here-

If you want to check out As Autumn Falls' EP go to their Big Cartel page at and purchase it for the princely sum of £1!

As Autumn Falls are another band to keep an eye on, not just north of the border, but wherever you are as well. We'll start hearing a lot more of there guys soon!

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