Thursday, 4 November 2021

Plague Patrol - Demo 2021

Labels: Dry Cough Records/Psychocontrol Records/Gutless Productions

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 26 Nov 2021


1. Taxidermia

2. Bennings Bonfire

3. Oort Cloud

4. Xenogenesis

After head-banging a bit too hard last night to Lentic Waters, I realised what my evenings have been missing, so I've been perusing my inbox and I came across this demo from new Czech death/doom band Plague Patrol. Their 2021 demo is due for release towards the end of November via fellow Czech label Psychocontrol Records, Indonesian label Gutless Productions and the ever awesome UK label Dry Cough Records. I've been a follower and purchaser of Dry Cough releases since the label's first breaths (I think the only release I need to complete my collection is the War Wolf 'Crushing The Ways Of The Old' tape). In terms of Plague Patrol, I don't know that much about them other than that their sound is a mix of US/Finnish death metal with doom elements too. I think I might have to reintroduce the 10 Questions interview series in order to learn more about them (what do you think?).

After a longer than usual intro paragraph, I’m getting down to it with Plague Patrol’s demo. It’s the trio’s debut release and it’s everything you’d expect from a death/doom band. Opening song ‘Taxidermia’ is a sea of gloomy, slow riffs and raging death metal percussion, with vocals that sound like they were made for the underworld. For a trio, they’re immense and sound way louder volume/production-wise than expected. 

Plague Patrol also does atmospheric though, as demonstrated by the opening bars of ‘Bennings Bonfire’, which descends into a much more doom orientated death metal song a few moments later. Much more old school in delivery but with the modern edge we’ve come to expect from the likes of Mortiferum, Void Rot and Wharflurch. I’m not sure there are too many Czech bands that I can compare them to, but if there are please let me know!

‘Oort Cloud’ contains those thick riffs that just rip the flesh from your bones, while the vocals sound completely otherworldly. In fact the entire band sounds unbelievably tight and fiendish, which is a good thing! If doom is too slow for you and death metal is too fast, there’s always a middle ground and taking cues from scene legends like Incantation can do no harm.

Demo closer ‘Xenogenesis’ is Plague Patrol’s longest song, but don’t think it’s going to be a lumbering doom number because it’s not. Not by a long shot! It has it’s slower, murkier moments but in essence it’s just a slightly lengthier version of what’s come before on this tape. It’s a fantastically dirty take on death/doom with thrashing elements and awesome production qualities. 

Another great find from the consistently brilliant Dry Cough Records and a reason to checkout both Psychocontrol Records, and Gutless Productions, as underground and upcoming labels need more support now than ever. Plague Patrol have just laid down the soundtrack to the grim, dark months ahead. Truly amazing and harrowing at the same time. 

This demo isn't out till November 26th (meaning there's no sneak peak up yet), so you'll have to keep an eye on the below label pages for news and song premieres (I'd love to do one if those involved are interested!):-

Dry Cough Records -

Gutless Productions -

Psychocontrol Records -

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