Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Cienfuegos/De Carne e Flor - Split Tape

Labels: No Funeral Records

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 04 Jan 2021


1. Cienfuegos - Esquemas de Resistencia

2. Cienfuegos - Arquitecturas

3. De Carne e Flor - Orquidea

4. De Carne e Flor - Vergonha

I feel way more in the groove this week. I'm still well behind on where I want to be writing-wise, but you can't win em all. Canadian label No Funeral Records is one that I've admired for some time now and their 2021 is shaping up to be pretty good release-wise, so I thought a good place to start would be with this split tape from early January (digital/pre-order release date) featuring Cienfuegos from Chile and De Carne e Flor from Brazil. Two new and exciting South American screamo bands that I wanted to share with you.

It’s been a pretty damn solid year for music so far, most of which I’m still catching up on. This split caught my eye a little while ago and I knew it would be quality when I saw that No Funeral Records was involved. Chile’s Cienfuegos are up first with two tracks, beginning with ‘Esquemas de Resistencia’ and there’s definitely a Spanish/Latin vibe to it, at least until the band’s screamo fully takes hold. Their sound is raw and true, with heaviness that rests alongside gentle guitar/bass work, authoritative drums and full-on screams interspersed with samples. I’d say it’s pretty original in approach actually. 

The lengthy instrumental/sampled section that makes up the majority of ‘Esquemas de Resistencia’ is dramatic and when they kick back into their heavier selves, Cienfuegos become uplifting as well. Their second song ‘Arquitecturas’ is equally as musical, with the band’s instrumentation forging a path that builds in anticipation to the moment when the music once again explodes. The vocals are screamed in such a way that they sound even more emotive, almost tortured and oh so real. 

De Carne e Flor’s take on the sub-genre is a lot more metallic and violent, as their opener ‘Orquidea ‘ demonstrates. Faster tempos from the percussion, chunkier bass-filled/metallic riffs and hardcore-like vocals create an intense atmosphere that’s high in volume and energy. The other thing that’s noticeable is the song-lengths, which are shorter than those of their split-mates, which they compliment well.

There’s a more melodic-hardcore/punk edge to second song ‘Vergonha’, which only adds to the exhilaration that De Carne e Flor injects into their music. Tons of melody and a similarly polished delivery help too. Like their first, this one is over before you know it but that’s no bad thing because it stays lodged in your brain, yearning for repeat listens.

In fact, that last statement is true of this whole split. Two bands sharing the same love of hardcore and screamo, with honesty and energy in abundance. That should be reason enough to give this a listen. If you enjoy it, buy a tape and throw the bands, and No Funeral Records your support.

You can stream and purchase the split digitally below:-

Cienfuegos -

De Carne e Flor -

No Funeral Records -

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