Wednesday, 17 March 2021

∞ (AKA Eight) - Emme Näe Elämää

Labels: Self-Released/Friendly Otter/Zegema Beach Records

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 09 Sep 2014


1. Toutokuun Lumi

2. Lohdutusseremonia

3. Kuuron Laulu

4. Tuntemisaisti

5. Juostaan Ylös Vuorelle

6. Siellä Missä Palaa

7. Antakaa Meidän Nukahtaa

8. Aarresaari

My review schedule is all kinds of over the place right now. It's not by choice but there's no point in whinging about it. In fact, as soon I realised that I'd be writing about a Finnish band in my next Zegema Beach Records roster write-up, any anxiousness melted away. ∞ (AKA Eight) or Eight as I'm going to refer to them as for the rest of this review, was a short lived post-rock/emo band that released music between 2011 and 2014, when this tape was brought into existence. Before Emme Näe Elämää, there was a self-titled album in 2011 and a further full-length called Näyt Kauas in 2012. 

Eight is described as being a cross between the post-rock of Envy and the screamo of Trachimbrod, so while that may not mean a great deal to the casual fan of post-hardcore, it’s a good ball park for those more familiar with the scene and indeed on album opener ‘Toutokuun Lumi’, there’s definitely elements of both, from the twinkling melody that opens it to the caustic screams that fill the speakers later on. The music here isn’t overly fussy or too technical, instead the band focuses on keeping the music clear, uncluttered and really listenable. 

I’m more familiar with the heavier, crustier side of Finnish music and thus haven’t thrown myself into the screamo side of the country’s music community at all, which is a failing on my part. ‘Lohdutusseremonia’ is a gloriously simplistic slab of emo/post-rock that uses genuine emotion instead of a constant sonic battery to get it’s point across. I don’t use the term simplistic in a derogatory way though, as Eight’s musical ability is so enjoyably and engrossing that it doesn’t need to be complicated. All that is well and good as far as easing you into their music goes, because ‘Kuuron Laulu’ is where Eight become a lot more off-kilter (for a time) and play around with different time-signatures and general moods within the music. It’s still very much geared towards the post-rock end of the spectrum given the song-length but it’s also a song that invigorates you in a way that only decent screamo can.

A great sense of relaxation washes over you on ‘Tuntemisaisti’, with it’s gentle guitar, percussion and softly spoken vocals, for the first two minutes at least. It’s that perfect meeting of the quiet/loud dynamic that works so well, especially when it coms to jump starting this heart. Dramatic intensity is the backbone of post-rock for me and Eight nails it here. The noise-laden industrial-like ending is glorious too. The second half of Emme Näe Elämää is even more expansive with ‘Juostaan Ylös Vuorelle’ opening up with a lengthy and extremely listenable instrumental build-up, permeated by very subtle vocals. It’s almost like Eight wanted to break up the album, but in doing so made something that would be considerably more than just an interlude or mere filler. This song sums up Eight’s musical ability but also their ability to keep things simple, and flowing, especially when the final sixty seconds consist of the best blackened screamo you’ve never heard!

‘Siellä Missä Palaa’ is in very much the same vein. It’s so chilled and melodic, especially when the song is almost the longest on the album. Definitely more post than screamo and alongside the previous song, it almost sounds like a different band, as the soundstage seems bigger somehow. Penultimate song ‘Antakaa Meidän Nukahtaa’ takes on Eight’s more stripped back emo sound once again during the quieter verses (at least I guess they are verses anyway). I love that sound where the vocals are delivered from further away, instead of right up next to the mic. It gives a more earthy feel to the music.

This album is such a great comforter after a stressful day at the coal face and closer ‘Aarresaari’ is both cleansing and hugely uplifting too. The mix of screams and treble-laden riffs help lift you up and make you realise that things are a lot better than they seem. This record, as with many of the others in this series so far, is 6-7 years old but that doesn’t matter at all. It’s what comes out of the speakers that does and Eight truly made a special impression here. Long may their music live on.

You can stream the full album and purchase it as a name-your-price download below:-

Eight -

Tapes are sold from Eight, Friendly Otter and Zegema Beach Records as far as I can tell.

Friendly Otter -

Zegema Beach Records -

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