Wednesday, 23 September 2020

10th Anniversary Digital Compilation News and Artwork Reveal

In a month's time, it'll be 10 years to the day since I started what is now This Noise Is Ours. To celebrate that amazing milestone, I'm putting together a special digital compilation that will be free to download via the blog's bandcamp page. It's been 4 years since my last 'Reverberations' comp, so I wanted this one to be special. It incorporates music from bands I've covered on here, as well a music by friends I've met and bonded with along the way. As with my two previous compilations, there will be something for everyone, from acoustic emo to punk, metal and noise. 

I wanted to use this update to also reveal the artwork for the comp, which is based on a photo that was taken by my good friend Jesper (of Young Mountain/Nathan Aeli, both of whom will be appearing on the comp!):-

I am going to begin prep work this weekend, prior to the comps release next month. So far 19 bands are participating in it with more still to be added. If you're in a band that fits and would like to be included, there's still time to send a track across. Please send a WAV format track of your choice to before 21st October. Thanks!

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