Saturday, 21 September 2013

Archagathus/Jeffrey Dahmer - Mincecrusher 7"

So, I decided to take a few days off, what with it being the start of the Champions League group stages and Grand Theft Auto 5's release week. A few days is too long though without the loud stuff! Talking of loud, here's the latest in an evergrowing line of spkit 7"s featuring Archagathus. This time they appear alongside Indonesian grinders Jeffrey Dahmer. The release was a collaborative effort by Mannequin Rein Recordings, Grindfather Productions, Nuclear Alcoholocaust, Placenta Recordings, Riotous Outburst Records and Trashfuck Records. Archagathus have five tracks on the split and Jeffrey Dahmer have four. So, you're getting nine tracks of grinding mayhem!


1. Archagathus - Sad Together
2. Archagathus - Eating A Hammer
3. Archagathus - Stupid Human
4. Archagathus - Which Kingdom?
5. Archagathus - Open Up (DYS Cover)
6. Jeffrey Dahmer - Holiday In Afghanistan (SMG Cover)
7. Jeffrey Dahmer - Fuck Your War, Fuck Your Terror
8. Jeffrey Dahmer - International Suicide Epidemic
9. Jeffrey Dahmer - Hate And Grudge

It's been a while since I've listened to Archagathus. I've forgotten how intense they are! Mincecrusher features a rabid and raw Archagathus, with a crushing live sound with punk undertones and scary, PV vocals. Sad Together starts things off with a chaotic opening section followed by the punk inspired textures I was talking about. The vocals are a mixture of high screams and low as hell grunts. Eating A Hammer is pretty much the same, but a little more mid paced. Stupid Human features some great rock n roll sass alongside vocals, which show off their death metal influences. Bearing in mind these songs only nudge the minute mark, there's plenty going on. Which Kingdom? sees Archagathus spread their grinding wings slightly with the first of two longer songs. It's mainly guitar led, with little use of vocals until the final thirty seconds really. I can see plenty of people two-stepping to it live! They end with a DYS cover in the form of Open Up. It's Boston hardcore done by a grind band and they certainly make it their own. It fits well with their punkier edge and the rest of their side. Ripping stuff!

Jeffrey Dahmer start their side with a more conventional cover, in the form of Holiday In Afghanistan by SMG. Jeffrey Dahmer's sound is equally as raw as Archagathus's and also more bass heavy. JD really ratchet up the chaos on their side of split. Fuck Your War, Fuck Your Terror is forty-four seconds of blastbeat filled mayhem, with flailing cymbals everywhere and low as hell, bass-heavy feedback. They slow things down a notch on International Suicidal Epidemic, which features some brilliant drumming. With forty seconds to go, they press the big red button and explode into a closing passage of angry, rage-fuelled grind, which stops on a dime. Closing with Hate And Grudge, they fire one final speed-demon of a song at you. Much like the rest of the split, it's over all too quickly and leaves you with a heart rate that you'd only otherwise get from cheating death.

This split isn't for people who like clean or clinical production, but then what would be the point of that in grind. This is a collaboration by two like-minded bands and six like-minded labels. It spells out exactly what the underground, DIY scene is all about. Both bands slay with minimal fuss. Let's face it; you want bands to go straight for the jugular.

Luckily for you, both bands are streaming their side of this split on Youtube. Check both out below:-

Archagathus Side - 

Jeffrey Dahmer Side -

You can pick up a copy of the record from any of these labels:-

Mannequin Rein Recordings -
Grindfather Productions -
Nuclear Alcoholocaust -
Placenta Recordings -
Riotous Outburst -
Trashfuck Records -

Archagathus Last FM-
Jeffrey Dahmer Facebook -
Mannequin Rein Recordings Facebook -
Grindfather Productions -
Nuclear Alcoholocaust Records -
Placenta Recordings -
Riotous Outburst Records -
Trashfuck Records -

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