Sunday, 14 July 2013

Nunslaughter/Antiseen - Split 7"

There are a few things that you can rely on in live. There's the usual death and taxes but there's also the unholy death metal of Nunslaughter. According to Metal Archives, they've already released a 7", a live album, a two CD discography which gathers together tracks from 13 previous 7"s and two split 7"s including this one with Antiseen. Once again, Hells Headbanger have provided their loyal services to help this split see the light of day. Along with bands like Agathocles and Unholy Grave, Nunslaughter are amongst the most prolific bands in extreme metal.

I probably don't need to introduce Antiseen to you, but for those who don't know, they're pretty much US punk legends. They're celebrating their 30th year this year too! In terms of the record itself, it's available on both black and red/brown coloured vinyl.


1. Nunslaughter - So Vile
2. Nunslaughter - The Burning Times
3. Antiseen - Air of Opportunity
4. Antiseen - Down To The Bone

Nunslaughter have always aired on the side of punk, so this split makes a lot of sense. Their first song So vile is one of the best I've heard by them this year. The guitars are thick sounding and the song as a whole a very controlled.  The vocals are as chilling as ever and the drums sound clear in the background too. You can even hear the low rumble of the bass. They don't take a breath between So Vile and The Burning Times, just instantly launch into it. The more I hear them, the more I enjoy them. The 7" format seems to lend itself well to Nunslaughter, as they don't mess about and I think it forces them to write in a cleverer way.

Having Antiseen of this split is a masterstroke for me. You need to balance out Nunslaughter's more menacing sound and that's exactly what happens here. Air Of Opportunity is a rip-roaring punk song, with a great upbeat tone to it. Down To The Bone is a longer song with a bluesy edge to it. It gathers more of Antiseen's rock n roll sound and packages up with crashing cymbals, buzzing guitars and clearer vocals to finish off this split with a really upbeat flourish.

Two super consistent bands on one slab of vinyl, doing what they do best. The production is good, bringing out the originalities of both bands without the fuzz you sometime get with a 7". All you need to do now is crack open some cans, light the BBQ and stick this record on. It'll definitely get the party going in the right direction!

The split isn't currently streaming online, but you can get it via Hells Headbangers at

Nunslaughter Facebook -
Hells Headbangers Facebook -

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