Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Future projects!

I wanted to step away from my usual posts for a little while to let you know that I plan to run some new projects in the future and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about some of them:-

PR/Press releases writing service
I want to help new bands and labels out by writing press/PR releases that can then be sent out to magazines, labels and gig promoters to help bands get exposure. If you think I could help you out, please e-mail me at stayahead1@yahoo.co.uk

I plan to create and distribute an e-newsletter, similar to a zine but in electronic form, to interested people. You'll be able to register by e-mail and I will make advertising space available inside. The aim is to make it an extension of the blog and to let you know about metal/hardcore music news.

Record label/distro
This one is the holy grail for me. I would love the chance to help release music by artists I love and to be able to stock records here in the UK. I've built up loads of contacts over the last couple of years and I know there's lots of great music out there just waiting to be heard. This is a very long term goal, but one day it may happen.

As well as the above I have the Directory on the go, which I plan to expand over the coming months. Also, I plan on doing tie-ins and competitions for both bands and readers, as well as exclusive streams of new records. If you have an idea that you would like to chat to me about, by all means e-mail me at stayahead1@yahoo.co.uk.

If you want to donate to the blog, click the donate button on the top right of the page. Thanks.


  1. Record label you say? Make it happen sir!

  2. Everyone I've spoken to says I should just do it! I want to but currently have no job, which sucks. Perhaps I should just stop procrastinating and get on with it.

  3. We should talk about this at some point!

  4. Dude, drop me an e-mail and we can chat. I'm well up for throwing ideas about, I just need the conviction to throw my hat in the ring, so to speak!
