Wednesday 3 August 2022

AngelBlast - Throne Of Ashes 7"

Labels: Edged Circle Productions

Formats: Vinyl/Digital

Release Date: 28 Jan 2022


1. Throne Of Ashes

2. Tartarus

I'm not sure if there's been something in the water over the last fews days but both both my work life and blog life (if that's even a real thing) have been pretty damn good. Obviously, I've just jinxed it all but I'm going to press on regardless. It's time for another 7" review in the form of International death/black metal band AngelBlast and their latest EP Throne Of Ashes, which was released in late January on vinyl and digital formats via Norwegian label Edged Circle Productions. It's only the quartet's second release, following their 2019 7" EP Rotting Paradise, which was also released by Edged Circle. AngelBlast features members of In Aeternum, Necrophobic and Divinity (the Divinity from Calgary, Alberta to avoid confusion) amongst many others. 

There’s nowt like a midweek blast and tonight’s comes with extra spice from AngelBlast. The EP’s title track ‘Throne Of Ashes’ is a perfect slice of modern death/black metal that owes itself to the old-school. Now when I use the term modern, I’m not talking about the breakdown/deathcore style of death metal, but that somehow this sounds fresh without necessarily being so. Obviously, those behind AngelBlast know what they’re doing and are seasoned musicians, so creating something like this is no surprise at all. Percussion, bass, guitars and vocals are all top notch, while the addition of piano for atmosphere and melody does the trick too.

Second and final song ‘Tartarus’ is blistering right from the off. Raging kick-drums, blastbeats and solo work greet you within the first thirty-seconds, before AngelBlast throw themselves back into it. Orchestral/choral melodies sit in the background, while the technical prowess of the band is allowed to shine. There is a subtle murkiness flowing through both songs here, but as I say it’s only subtle and if anything it helps make things that bit dirtier. 

This is a real success of an EP. It’s good value musically at ten minutes in length and it proves that it’s better not to overdo things, in turn leaving listeners wanting more. Let’s hope for an album from AngelBlast soon though, as I can see both of their EPs getting worn out from all the spins!

For fans of: Necrophobic, Malevolent Creation, Divinity, Castrator and Inhuman Condition

You can stream and purchase Throne Of Ashes on both digital and vinyl formats below:-

AngelBlast -

Edged Circle Productions -

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