Saturday, 4 October 2014

Night Runner - Demo Tape

Bands that keep their online presence minimal are few and far between nowadays. Night Runner from Boston, are one band that prefers it this way. They only have a bandcamp page containing this demo and well...nothing else. This four-track demo was recorded in their hometown in 2013 and was released by Headless Guru Records in May of this year. This tape to me, epitomises what a demo should be. It plucks a band out of obscurity and puts their music in front of people. There was only 70 copies of the demo released, but it's found it's way into the hands of 70 people who will really appreciate it and will hopefully, go forth and recommend Night Runner to other people.


1. House Pet
2. Thick Heads
3, Cross Mind
4. Night Runner

This demo is over before you know it, with four raging hardcore songs in under six minutes. Night Runner play hardcore-punk in the truest sense. They don’t water it down with modern electronic touches and there’s melody in their music. House Pet is the perfect opener, with a slight horror-punk vibe going on in the lead work. Thick Heads turns up the urgency and for sixty-eight seconds you’re sucked into a wild, circle-pitting frenzy.

I imagine these guys are solid skaters. Cross Mind belongs on a Thrasher video (yeah, an actual video tape). Closer Night Runner cries out with feedback, before turning into exactly the type of song you’d be screaming out live. Such a good vibe, great riffs and simple hardcore punk. Surely that’s more than enough of a reason to jam this demo!

You can stream and download it for free directly from Night Runner's bandcamp page below:-

The tape version is long since sold out, but you can also get a name-your-price-download from Headless Guru Records via their bandcamp page -

Headless Guru Records Facebook -

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