Saturday, 25 August 2012

Graf Orlock - Los Angeles 7"

I'm gonna guess that most people who read this, have a fair idea who Graf Orlock are. Basically, they formed in 2003 and play cinema inspired grind-core. They've become more and more revered within the scene over the last few years and as a knee jerk reaction to trendiness, they're doing pretty well.

This is the latest 7" from this LA four-piece, which released in April and features four blasts of experimental grind.


1. Dead Man Talking
2. No Attachments
3. Couples Seeking Comfort/No Point
4. Quick On The Trigger

Graf Orlock always use film samples on their records, usually at the start of songs and this record in no exception. They kick off with Dead Man Talking, which is a hardcore inspired racket, full of chunky riffs and cathartic screams. There's plenty going on throughout, with the band favouring rabid noise for the last 30 seconds, which is where their grind tag comes in. Speedy as hell drumming underpins an assured start.

No Attachments is a lot more chaotic than the record's opener. It's more in line with the fast-grind that we've come to expect from the Graf. That doesn't mean they don't alter the pace at all, as they take the chance to throw in some tempo-changes and impressive slow, dirge style riffs that emphasise the faster parts and sets a formidable atmosphere.

Couples Seeking Comfort/No Point is ferocious. Once the intro sample ends that the band kick into gear, you get an all out aural attack of dual vocals, thrashing drums and crushing guitar, which shakes your foundations. It's worth mentioning the production too, which is clear and sets them apart from their peers. It makes the music sound huge and because the vocals are audible, it makes this short release sound more encompassing.

Final blast, Quick On The Trigger is a song that seems to feature everything that Graf Orlock are about. It's got some punk sensibilities nestling amongst the anger. It's got the slow, doomy passages and their fast grind sound underpinning it. The surprise here is the introspective passage that sees them using riffs that sound very familiar. I can't remember what song they sound like, but it's been on TV recently.

The sampled use of machine gun fire brings an unhinged sense of joy, as the song just dies away to leave just crashes and bangs, which sounds as though Graf Orlock are destroying their recording space! Overall, you may know what to expect from Graf Orlock, but it doesn't stop you from leaving with a huge grin on your face. This is another creative 7" that leaves you with a taste for more. It also makes you want to watch action movies because you can!

This 7" has been put out by Vitriol Records and it's available for streaming via their bandcamp page below:-

The EP is available to purchase directly from the page, either in digital or physical form. You can also go to Vitriol Records' website at  to find out where else you can get in from and to keep updated with what else Graf Orlock are up to.

1 comment:

  1. What alot of people probably fail to realize is that the ending riff in 'Quick on the Trigger is actually a theme played throughout the film Los Angeles is based on. Which is HEAT
