Monday, 29 August 2011

Lords - S/T EP

The awesome guys in Lords sent me their self titled EP to review early last week, so I'm not going to waste anymore time. First things first though, an introduction. Lords are metal band from old London town, who specialise in the more hardcore variety. They are currently looking for a new drummer, so contact the band if you're interested on their Facebook page at

Anyway, to the EP.The opener, Lords,begins with a slow doomy intro, before the band up the ante with death metal inspired scream and growls and forays into grindcore instrumentation, before ending with ear shattering feedback that jolts the listener. Second track Blood Money begins with a very apt air-raid siren sample amongst the music. The main song is immediately faster with the introduction of clean, technical riffing that show Lords flexing their musical muscles. The third track, La Clef De La Magie Noire, is a slow building instrumental track which makes good use of more clean, melodic guitar and also spoken word samples towards the end. 1331 starts with more slow, almost sludgy riffs before galloping off to the main verse, which includes some haunting singing which sits just underneath the mix to add another layer to the music. The use of sporadic clean singing alongside the screaming add to the despondency of the song. Fifth track Inchworm begins with off kilter, jarring guitar and segues into what is probably the heaviest track on the EP, which sees feral growls exist alongside screeching feedback towards the end. EP closer, Coup De Grace, ends with a flourish of poly rhythmic riffs and layered noise too round out a varied and interesting records.

A worthy addition to the current crop of left of centre hardcore bands currently coming out of the UK. Long may it continue!

Remember, go check out Lords on Tumblr at and also check out their merch at their Big Cartel store at, as well as on the Facebook link above.

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