Saturday, 14 May 2011

Introducing - Nekroholocaust

Okay, so most of you are familiar with the the European and American death metal scenes, but there is also a popular and expanding scene over is South East Asia. Nekroholocaust are form part of the Philipino death metal scene. They come from Bacolod City and have been together since 2004.

Nekroholocaust are Bertram Vidaja on Guitars, Francis Albesa on Drums and Jap Decena on Vocals. Nekroholocaust have released 2 demos to date, Raped afterbirth 2010 and Demo 2011. They are also planning to release anothewr EP this autumn and the a full length record in the future. They have also appeared on a number of split CD's and compliations. You can get details of these and the labels they are available through by going to the bands Facebook page at - or their Myspace page at -

Musically, Nekroholocaust are influenced by a lot of death/grind bands including Devourment and Suffocation, so their music is pretty brutal and fast. The band currently have a couple of tracks up on their myspace page for you to listen to, but of you want to get hold of their demo's or comps, you'll need to get in touch with the band deirectly.

You can also check them out at Soundclick at - and at Reverbnation at -

It's well worth taking the time to discover these guys and other bands from South East Asia, as they are producing some of the most brutal death metal and grindcore that you're likely to find at the moment.

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