Thursday, 16 January 2025

Återstod/MEIßEL - Split

Labels: Zegema Beach Records

Formats: Tape/Digital

Release Date: 13 Jan 2025


1. Återstod - Never Let Go

2. Återstod - And Longing Since

3. Återstod - Through Dust Covered Windows

4. MEIßEL - Intro

5. MEIßEL - Verblendung

6. MEIßEL - Verlies

Brand new Swedish solo-project Återstod recently teamed up with German duo MEIßEL to release a split of fresh screamo via Zegema Beach Records. Återstod is the new solo-band from Suis La Lune's Henning, while MEIßEL (who released their debut album in 2022) also released another split earlier this month alongside Ikigai, Apousia, Azzacov and Portrëit. Plenty of reasons to be excited about this release then!

Another sick new ZBR release is just what’s needed during this cold and dark month. It’s even better when you realise that Återstod carries the legacy that was started by Suis La Lune. It’s a solo-project from vocalist/guitarist Henning and opener ‘Never Let Go’ is a great introduction to the future of Swedish screamo (if that’s not too excessive to say). Mixing lovely melodic yet angular guitar with harsh vocals and properly explosive percussion/bass. Instrumentally, it’s surprisingly heavy the further you get into it.

‘And Longing Since’ takes the band’s sound in a very different direction, as the song barely surpasses a minute in length and goes from blistering screamo/emo-violence to heartwarming, slowing post-rock in mere seconds. Återstod’s final addition to this split ‘Through Dust Covered Windows’ goes for a nastier, almost sludgier sound initially before flowing almost seamlessly into more familiar off-kilter screamo territory. Nothing stays the same for too long though, as breathable moments of melody are cut short by bursts of effortless violence and vice versa.

German duo MEIßEL make up the other side of this split and they compliment it perfectly, as ‘Intro’ gently builds from lone-melodic guitar to ever-growing explosive instumentation. It fades, giving way to ‘Verblendung’ with it’s rumbling bass/guitar and rabid dual-vocals that are pushed along at great speed by the unrelenting drumming. It’s too short to fully appreciate in just one play!

Their closer ‘Verlies’ is also their longest song, which is the perfect way to end the split given that Återstod’s longest song kicked it off. It doesn’t disappoint as it moves in so many different directions throughout it’s playing time. It’s made of equal parts math, screamo, emo and post-rock. MEIßEL do a fantastic job of sounding much bigger than just a duo. Now is the time to check out their split release with Ikigai, Apousia, Azzacov and Portrëit if you haven’t already done so.

This split is top quality. Both bands give it everything (as you’d expect) and it shines a light on two of the newest screamo bands to look out for this year. I’m not a trendsetter so you don’t have to listen to me, but at least listen to them.

You can stream and purchase the split digitally from both bands here:-

Tape copies are sold out at ZBR's bandcamp page but you can still purchase copies from their online stores below:-



Återstod -


Zegema Beach Records -

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