Sunday, 22 September 2024

Hillsboro - White Trash

Labels: Self-Released/Softseed Music

Formats: CD/Tape/Digital

Release Date: 23 Aug 2024


1. POV

2. Sleep Dealrr

3. White Trash

4. Fell

5. White Trash (Demo)

6. Fell (Acoustic)

Canadian five-piece alternative/shoegaze band Hillsboro released their latest EP White Trash last month. They self-released it on CD, tape and digitally (containing six tracks), while Softseed Music also handled a limited tape pressing as well (containing four tracks). This EP is described as being Hillsboro's transition from an indie-rock sound to a more alternative, shoegaze approach that might appeal to fans to Title Fight and Superheaven (amongst others). I'm going to be reviewing all six tracks here.

White Trash opens with ‘POV’, which is a noisy, sample-filled intro. First song proper ‘Sleep Dealrr’ is a blossoming modern rock song brimming with melancholic vocals that straddle the line between grunge and indiemo. They were name-checked alongside Deftones in the promo e-mail I received and the similarities are there during the heavier moments.

The title-track ‘White Trash’ has more of a garage-rock approach early on before morphing into a more distorted cross between alternative rock and shoegaze soon after. It switches between the two throughout it’s short-ish playing time, keeping the momentum high. ’Fell’ reminds me of the pondering yet beautiful early sounds of Time In Malta and even Antenna-era Cave In. I love how catchy and accomplished it sounds. An absolute joy.

Onto the additional tracks starting with the demo version of ‘White Trash’, which as expected sounds a lot rawer than the final version above. That being said, it’s not too different from the final version. Ending the EP with a dreamy acoustic version of ‘Fell’ is classy, especially as soothing violin comes to the fore. It’s an easy-going way to close the release.

As if this wasn’t enough, they’ve recently released their self-titled album on vinyl via Softseed Music too. We all know that “exposure” doesn’t pay the bills, but getting your music out there for sale on various formats goes some way to help. It’s been a whirlwind couple of months in that regard for Hillsboro and long may it continue.

You can stream White Trash below where you can also purchase directly from Hillsboro on all available formats:-

Hillsboro -

A limited amount of Swirl and Clear tape copies are available from Softseed Music here:-

Softseed Music -

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